Unfortunately scanty financing of co-operative projects caused low activity in the context of the Resolution H3. As a rule projects are fulfilled in the sphere of forest research. International projects and organisations are the main financial sources. They enable Ukrainian experts to participate in international meetings and to receive modern forestry literature. As for Ukrainian specialists, they contribute information and involve infrastructure (provide offices, equipment etc.).
The Ukrainian list of implemented and on-going projects in line with Resolution H3 was published in article by Romanovskyy V., Buksha I., Kravets P. (2002). The recent projects in line with Resolution H3 are characterized below (more detailed information about new on-going projects located in the annexes).
Strategic plan of Ukrainian forest sector development (2001-2004)
Donor – Sweden International Development Agency (SIDA)
Recipient – Ukrainian State Committee of Forestry
Partner (Ukraine) - Research Informational Centre
Partner (Sweden) - Scandiaconsult AB
Project content - Development of the strategic plan of forest sector development in Ukraine.
Expected results:
- Proposals of changes in forest legislation
- Development of proposals on forest sector institutional structure improvement
- Proposals of strategic and technical decisions on timber trade development at the local and international market
- To test methods of forest management and planning, oriented towards income increase, which observe environmental aspects.
Development and testing of the national forest certification standards in Ukraine (2003-2004)
Donor – Alliance of World Bank and WWF
Recipient – National Agricultural University of Ukraine
Partner (Ukraine) – National Agricultural University of Ukraine,
Partner (Germany) – GFA Terra Systems GmbH
Project content - to establish of the national initiative and to compete of working group for developing and testing of national forest certification standards in Ukraine under FSC guidance
Expected results: the Ukrainian national forest certification standards
Swiss-Ukrainian Forest Development Project in Transcarpathian, FOR-ZA” (2003-2005)
Donor – Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Recipient – Ukrainian State Committee of Forestry
Partner (Ukraine) - Transcarpathian Forest Administration
Partner (Switzerland) – Swiss Organization for Development and Cooperation (Intercooperation)
Project content - project addresses the need for the forestry of Transcarpathian to adapt to the new social and economic environment, takes a landscape approach to sustainable management of forest resources and conservation.
Expected results:
- To diversify and further strengthen multi-purpose forest management planning and close-to-nature silviculture, in order to sustain forest functions and enhance productivity of forests goods and services.
- To strengthen forest policy in order to enhance the contribution of forests to socio-economic development and to landscape protection, particularly in relation to natural disasters.
- To valorise forest products and forest services for the economic benefits of the local population.
Development of the Ukrainian Forestry Web-page for EFI Forest Information Service (2002-2004)
Donor – European Forest Institute (EFI)
Recipient – Ukrainian State Committee of Forestry
Partner (Ukraine) - Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration (URIFFM)
Partner (Finland) - European Forest Institute (EFI)
Project content - Creation of a web-page “Forests and Forest Management in Ukraine”, in the format proposed of EFI (under requirement of FINE project).
Expected results:
- creating web pages with regional information about Ukrainian forestry
- compiling a link list on timber and wood products companies, small and medium (forest-related) enterprises etc.
- Ukrainian contributing to the EFI’s "Forestry Law Database"