June 29, 2007

Multifunctional forestry and biological diversity of Ukraine

Issues and policy development challenges on biodiversity conservation. These are main issues to be considered while development and implementing forest policy in sphere of biodiversity:
  1. the intensive development of Ukrainian industry in 50-80s had a great negative impact on the environment in important forest regions in the northern and central part of the country (pollution of atmosphere and soils, low level of subterranean waters, change of forest growing conditions, large-scale change in forest management caused by global climate change and radionuclide pollution by the catastrophe at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant);
  2. high fragmentation of forests territories, large share of planted (45.6%) and coppice (18.7%) even-aged forests with pure composition and simple form, characterized by low resistance to fires, windfalls and pests;
  3. good balance between areas of forest reserves, national parks, other protected territories (above 10%) and exploitable forests
    In 2003 Ukrainian forestry specialists have worked out the first version of forest biodiversity indicators and developed the national report of the Convention of Biodiversity with the assistance of the project GEF “The Second Phase to support Ukrainian biodiversity”.

As long as forests have a great importance for Ukrainian environment, the State Committee of Forestry extends forest reserves and territories, where forest exploitation is limited. Nowadays in forests of the State Committee there are about 2,800 protected areas occupying about 1 million hectares. In Ukraine 12.9% of forests are reserved. Generally 4.2% of Ukrainian territory is reserved among them 60% constitute forests.

Nature reserve fund of the State Committee of Ukraine consists of:
  • 6 nature reserves
  • 2 national parks
  • 1152 wildlife areas
  • 980 unique nature places;
  • 24 regional landscape parks;
  • 9 dendrology parks;
  • 55 parks of garden art;
  • 524 reserved ravines.

In state forest enterprises the share of first-group forests (these are forests exploitation of which is limited) increased from 34% to 50% since 1961. In total clear cutting is prohibited in 40% of forest covered territories.

The factors enumerated call for considering of existed ecological problems and requirements to biodiversity conservation in forest practice. The priority is to enlarge the share of environment friendly selective and shelterwood silviculture systems. Today above 90% of wood harvested by clear cutting methods, followed by artificial reforestation. The system of tending should also be improved. Most tending should not be carried out in mid-aged and approaching maturity but in young trees. Besides, obsolete caterpillar tractors damage forest soils and other forest ecosystem components. Therefore, a new harvesting technological policy should be oriented towards the use of medium and small agricultural or special forestry tractors. One of the important problems to be solved is reorientation of reserves forest management, which is the main means to conserve biodiversity in forests. In addition, the attention ought to be paid at forest management and exploitation of forests contaminated by radionuclide and industrial waste.

The most important task is to conserve and regenerate forest biodiversity, to maintain the resistance and viability of forests, including wider involving of close-to-nature silviculture, to improve forest monitoring system, forest fire protection, pest and disease control. Other goals of sustainable forest management also should be taken into consideration. It is necessary:
  • to introduce multi-functional forest resource use, including improvement regional based silviculture systems and to strengthen forest resistance against negative impacts,
  • to enhance landscapes protective role of forest, aesthetic functions of pre-urban and urban forests,
  • to foster green tourism,
  • to organize the dialogue to solve problems of forest exploitation,
  • to increase the economical efficiency of forestry, profitability of forest enterprises,
  • to develop state and legislative incentives of wood-processing industry development (that will increase the demand for wood of different quality and size).
The achievement of these goals is based on the principles of market economy and free competition, participation of all stakeholders, cross-sectoral co-ordination, and institutional arrangements. Also important are the equal conditions for development of all patterns of ownership; stability of round wood market; increase of local wood-processing, availability of information about forest resources, round wood harvested volumes, export and import of timber.